
Showing posts from February, 2013

The Spy Game - When Was The Line Crossed

I actually wrote this paper in October 2007 and came across it when doing research for another paper. This is a controversial topic, but I felt that I should share this paper...and I strongly feel that the Obama administration has followed in the footsteps of the Bush administration in terms of domestic spying... Thanks for reading.... ~Micki The Spy Game When Was The Line Crossed? What thoughts race through your mind when you hear the term “spying”? For most we visualize 007, his glamorous lifestyle, his leading ladies, and his ability to get the information needed while keeping his dinner jacket impeccably clean. Those who understand military a little better will probably envision ordinary people going into dangerous situations for the sole purpose of obtaining secret information to aid our government and military. Now think on this term “domestic spying”. For the idealists, they are probably picturing June Cleaver cleverly obtaining information about her neighbors and such w...