
Showing posts from March, 2016

Display Case

I have a collection of Itialian plates that I had no idea what to do with. I also was remodeling the office and decided to add a decorative display case that also has a shelf for all the little computer components that I did not want on the desk. The finished case without anything in it: Here is the finished display case with the collector's items in it:

DIY Chocolate Easter Bunny

It is Easter time again and that means time for chocolate bunnies! I pulled out my bunny molds and got to work. I used a simple melting chocolate (milk chocolate on some and dark chocolate on some) and a bunny mold that I found at JoAnns Craft Store. I absolutely love these little bunnies and everyone is so thrilled when they get a chocolate bunny as a gift. This year I made them 100% edible. Instead of using a craft egg in the egg holder, I dyed coconut green (grass) and then I used jelly beans. For a sugar-free variety (my dad is diabetic so I am always looking for sugar-free alternatives) I simply bought a bag of sugar-free Hersey bars (minis) and melted those for the mold. Instead of traditional jelly beans, he got the sugar-free variety and it looks just like all the others!