
Showing posts from May, 2013

Terror Within (Section 1)

She awoke with a cry of terror on her lips, the stench of sweat clung to her nostrils, her heart refusing to slow to a normal rhythm. As the terror of the nightmare flashed vivid photos through her brain she whipped back the covers and leaped out of bed. The wildness of her eyes still focusing on the horror she had dreamed, she stumbles across the hall to watch her daughter sleep in bliss. Tears of relief roll down her cheeks and she walks on shaky legs toward the bathroom. She flips on the light and stares at the haggard face looking back at her. When did she become so haunted? Her eyes, almost black in color, held fear and uncertainty, her complexion pale and lifeless, her once glorious mane of chestnut hair now ragged tangles falling to her hips. She strips her body of the faded cotton nightgown and steps into the cold porcelain bathtub, draws the plastic curtain and puts the hot water on full blast. As the water cascades down her body, she allows the tears of uncertainty to f...

Jesus With Skin On...

The Bible teaches us to live our lives to the glory of the Lord and to be Christ with skin on. There are so many “Sunday” or “ Holiday ” Christians who have the ability to talk the talk however fall flat on their faces when it comes to walking the walk. I heard on the radio this morning a new Christian talking about how she had thought once she gave her life to Christ it would be an easy transition. She did not count on her flesh rising up and becoming a stumbling block on her journey to become Christ with skin on. She never expected that becoming a Christian would be so hard. For those who do not know the Lord or are “Sunday” Christians, you will not fully grasp the struggles that a true Christian faces from day to day. You must be a shining light that beckons the saved and unsaved alike. Your every action is scrutinized by the unsaved and dissected as they try to determine if you are sincere in your belief or if your belief is some sort of cult. Your every action is also watche...