Jesus With Skin On...
The Bible teaches us to live our lives to the glory of the
Lord and to be Christ with skin on. There are so many “Sunday” or “Holiday ”
Christians who have the ability to talk the talk however fall flat on their
faces when it comes to walking the walk.
I heard on the radio this morning a new Christian talking
about how she had thought once she gave her life to Christ it would be an easy
transition. She did not count on her flesh rising up and becoming a stumbling
block on her journey to become Christ with skin on. She never expected that
becoming a Christian would be so hard. For those who do not know the Lord or
are “Sunday” Christians, you will not fully grasp the struggles that a true
Christian faces from day to day. You must be a shining light that beckons the
saved and unsaved alike. Your every action is scrutinized by the unsaved and
dissected as they try to determine if you are sincere in your belief or if your
belief is some sort of cult. Your every action is also watched by other
believers – some waiting to rejoice with you or help lift you back to your
feet; some waiting to judge you and stomp you harder into the mud and muck of
Being a single mom is difficult – being a single Christian
mom is torture at times. The looks of judgment, the whispers behind fans, the
constant eyes staring at you waiting for your next misstep; the smug looks as
they sit in their pews in their Sunday best, the judgment they have brought
down upon your shoulders shining from their eyes. They try to break you with
their condemning looks and plastic smiles. There are also the true Christians
who enfold you in their love and acceptance. They do not sit in the pews in
their Sunday best and their noses firmly pressed in their Bibles. They are the
ones who offer loving embraces and issue dinner invitations; they offer warm
smiles and helping hands. The light of Christ is shining so brightly from
within them that they are a refuge in the darkness. It is to those Christians
that I try to model my life.
The new Christian that I heard on the radio was fumbling
around in the darkness of the world searching for the light of Christians
willing to lift her up and guide her in her new life as she walks with Christ.
It is the Christians who truly strive to be Christ with skin on that all are
drawn to just like Christ drew the crowds to him when he walked this Earth as
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