Reconnecting with Myself: Removing Static from My Personal Space

The past several months have been overwhelming and extremely stressful. I basically just rode the tide day after day, accepting the new static within my life without protest. When I talk about static within my life I am referring to the extra things that pull me away from my happiness and contentment. I have had other times in my life where things had spiraled out of control but it seemed to happen much more slowly or maybe I was just less aware until it became so intense that I forced myself to stand up and face the problems. Since January, I have been sticking my head in the sand and refusing to face the fact that things were clouding my head and my emotions were becoming raw. Waking each morning was a chore, as was gathering the energy to care about anything. I still loved to write and I loved teaching, my “kids” essentially kept me coming back when I just wanted to walk away from everything. One day I actually had decided to throw in the towel and walk away from teaching. Th...