
Showing posts from April, 2014

Reconnecting with Myself: Removing Static from My Personal Space

The past several months have been overwhelming and extremely stressful. I basically just rode the tide day after day, accepting the new static within my life without protest. When I talk about static within my life I am referring to the extra things that pull me away from my happiness and contentment. I have had other times in my life where things had spiraled out of control but it seemed to happen much more slowly or maybe I was just less aware until it became so intense that I forced myself to stand up and face the problems. Since January, I have been sticking my head in the sand and refusing to face the fact that things were clouding my head and my emotions were becoming raw. Waking each morning was a chore, as was gathering the energy to care about anything. I still loved to write and I loved teaching, my “kids” essentially kept me coming back when I just wanted to walk away from everything. One day I actually had decided to throw in the towel and walk away from teaching. Th...

Using Friends for Personal Gain

There has been this nagging little voice in the back of my head for a while now that generally makes me suspicious of people who push to become a friend. They do not go through the steps of acquaintance and then friend and finally close confidant. They basically garner an introduction, usually through a mutual friend, and then jump right into “BFF” status. After dealing with people in the past who have pushed their way into my life and used me for my connections or the perks that I have worked hard to have, I am a little leery and probably a little cautious around people. Lately that little voice in my head has been screaming and I have felt anxious around certain people who I would consider to be acquaintances. I could not conclusively figure out why I felt so uneasy around these people. Then it hit me when one person asked me over and over again to introduce him to certain people within my circle. It was a little weird and I was extremely uncomfortable. It is human nature to...