Shine On Me

On Monday I was driving home from taking Freedom to the library. I was a little distracted and reflecting on all the things that were piling up on my plate. Freedom, from the backseat, started yelling at me to look at the sky. Thinking I was about to drive into an oncoming tornado, I slammed on my brakes and looked up. Thank God there was no one behind me because I would have been rear-ended! But I saw the most amazing sky and it reminded me of all the blessings in my life and how I should be keeping them in the forefront of my mind instead of all the negative things. It looked like God had placed a spotlight in the sky for me to see and know that I needed to focus on the good things around me! As soon as I pulled into the driveway, I rushed to get my camera and was able to capture some of the vision that was filling the sky...


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