Repainting An Old Statue

Anybody who knows me knows that I am most at home in second-hand shops or flea markets. It is so much fun to spend hours scouring shelves and tables laden with broken down and somewhat dilapidated items. I had my daughter, Freedom, with me on one outing and she found a rather sad looking horse statue that was in need of a lot of love. After begging me to get it so it could have a place to call home, I relented and spent a total of $0.99 on this decrepit looking statue.

The "Ugly Duckling" Horse Statue
After sitting it on my desk and staring at it day after day for over a month, I finally became inspired. Freedom kept bugging me about starting on it and I kept balking. I could not figure out what exactly to do with it. Then I saw a photo of a lovely grey horse that Freedom’s friend, Sprite, had with her when they went bowling.

Once finished, Freedom absolutely loves it and it now sits in a place of honor on her shelves in her bedroom.

The finished product - no longer an "ugly duckling"!


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